Smudging is a ritual performed to acknowledge that one cycle has ended and to announce a new beginning - a starting point in your energetic, vibrational and spiritual connection to your world.
Used to:
To clear, cleanse, and balance the energy of your mind, body, spirit, entire home, workspace or environment.
How to:
Be clear about your intent and focus on what you are trying to accomplish.
Tools required:
Charcoal Block
Herbs, Resin, Sage
Terracotta Burner
The Process:
for Herbs, Resin or Sage
Set your intention and focus in order for the clearing to take place. In a terracotta burner place a charcoal block, light the charcoal block sprinkle some herbs, resin or sage onto the block. Your herbs, resins or sage will begin to smoke. Begin your cleanse. Make sure on completion you extinguish your left over charcoal, herbs, resin or sage appropriately. This can be done by putting it out in some sand or dirt.
for Smudge Stick
Set your intention and focus in order for the clearing to take place. Light the Smudge Stick, Blow out the flame. The smudge stick will begin to smoke. Begin your cleanse. Make sure on completion you extinguish in some sand or dirt.
When to:
Setting your intention for your day in your workspace.
Smudge a house, workspace whenever you feel that it is necessary to clear negative energy out of your environment.
Most often done around the time people move into a new home. This will clear out any negative energy that may have been part of the lives of the people who lived there previously. Your home is the center of your personal world, it is very helpful to carry out a Smudging Ceremony to clear the entire space and make it ready for the next cycle.
If you have additional people moving into the home.
Divorce, separation or unhappy vibes in the home.
Serious illness or death in the home.